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Emily Carter Mitchell


Emily Carter Mitchell

Emily Carter Mitchell believes that art is found in nature through careful observation of the scenery, lighting and the subject. Through photography, she can capture the moment and emotion felt when experiencing a fleeting moment. These images allow Emily to share the connections made with nature with other people who perhaps may not have the opportunity to experience it themselves.

“Nature as Art is something that is felt deep within one’s spirit. Hard to express in words, the connection felt when observing and being part of nature brings unity and a sense of peacefulness in this world of chaos. It is this connection that as a nature and wildlife photographer that I am in continuous search for. Capturing wildlife and nature in its natural state is a challenging task. As a photographer, I recognize that I am an intruder, and as such I must show respect as they have allowed me into their world. The greatest gift nature can give me is when my presence has been accepted and the wildlife go back to their natural behaviors. This allows me to enter their world and begin to see their personalities shine through. Waiting for just the right moment to capture emotion so that I may share it with others. I’ve learned that the more you open your eyes, and quiet the mind the more you’re able to see. Life is fleeting and each moment we experience is unique and special. Photography allows me to freeze that moment in time to preserve it for the future.”

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A New Chance
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Little Blue
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Sleeping Softly
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Tin Can
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Forever Fields
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The Eagle
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No Man's Land
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The Forest Beckons
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