Maria Papadopoulou-Rosenzweig
"Art for me is anything that can inspire and stimulate emotions and feelings. The bright colors of flowers in nature, a starry night in summer, a movie that makes you cry or laugh, a picture that does not allow taking your eyes off it, a photograph describing the sophisticated nature of a virus or DNA or the tertiary structure of proteins, a piece of music that makes you dream, a dancing ballerina that makes you follow her steps, a novella that keeps you sleepless all night, the verses of poem that calm your soul, the melody and
lyrics of a song that soothes your pain, the way this world is and evolves….all of these are pieces of art. Art is all around us, but the question is if everyone is able to perceive it. An artist is satisfied if his/her work can move/motivate even a fraction of people."
~Maria Papadopoulou-Rosenzweig