Nicholas Mariano
Oil Painter
Nicholas Mariano has won numerous Meritorious Honor Awards in both local and international shows. Nicholas recently won first place in the WACG Fall Show in Myrtle Beach, SC, winning over a variety of art medias. He has also been named as "The Artist in Resident" for the South Carolina Park Service in 2016, 2015, and 2014. Nicholas is a curator for the Internet Art Site, “Viewbug” and a contributing artist for Outdoor Magazine. His work is displayed in several local galleries and he has done a number of charitable events for the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, that rescues baby elephants who parents have been killed in Kenya.
“I strive to photograph and do artwork that is different from the norm. Too many photographers take just everyday photos of the beach, animals and birds and eventually the local galleries are overrun by these type photos. I try to take photos that people view as different and even though they not buy my work they tend to admire it.”