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Teresa Johnson


Teresa Johnson

Teresa Johnson has been painting for about twenty years, in the early years part time as she raised a family. The last five to six years she have been deeply immersed in painting, teaching , taking classes and marketing her artwork.

“An Artist looks at the world differently, viewing the world in lines, shapes, value, colors, textures and edges, finding even the most mundane surroundings interesting, beautiful and full of character waiting to be painted. My love of nature, animals and the way light falls on many subjects showers me with inspiration daily. The challenge of painting to capture a moment in time, a place or beautiful light falling on a subject fills me with excitement and at the same time I am lost in thought, intrigued with the possible stories of history, mission or purpose of the subject at hand. We can never really know all the stories, struggles or successes surrounding a particular subject, so it is exciting to discover and develop a story or thought from my own observations. My hope is my work will connect with others, if not with my story, then their own story.”

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A State of Contentment
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Colors of Arizona
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Aspen Glow
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Good Morning
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Aspen Medley
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Moose Crossing

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