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Carol Schmauder was born and raised in Spokane, Washington, where she currently lives with her husband, Glenn.  Like most artists she showed interest in art at an early age and has experimented with several media over her lifetime. She raised nine children and worked a full-time job so had little time for painting while her children were growing up. She is a graphic designer that entered the world of fine art in 1988 after taking watercolor classes from Stan Miller and MaryAnn Figgins.  Carol enjoyed this medium for twenty years before she began using acrylics for most of her work in 2017.  Her professional life has led to participation in over a hundred exhibitions: both solo and in groups.  She has paintings in collections nationwide and has won numerous awards.


"Space has long been a fascinating topic for many. Children dream of going there someday. People of all ages gaze at the stars; whether with the naked eye or through a telescope. I firmly believe that God has created more worlds than we can comprehend; in other words, worlds without end." ~ Carol Schmauder This painting will be an attention grabber in any room of your home or office. Available for Purchase: The original 48" x 30" Acrylic Painting and as a reproduction of the original.

Worlds Without End

  • Because she "didn?t know what she wanted to be when she grew up", Carol experimented with different styles of art.? She has experienced great success with her Shattered Reality series and is best known for this fun style of painting starting with a traditional subject and creating sections of warm and cool colors playing off each other.? Dark and light sections also add life to these paintings.? She enjoys painting in different forms of abstract art as well as traditional forms.? She has no desire to quit exploring different techniques and art forms. ~Carol Schmauder

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